Hydro-pedals in the mussel beds

Fun and safety in the Bay.
Rent and enjoy hydro-pedals with a slide for 4 people, great fun for both young and family audiences. Hydro-pedals with a slide are an exciting water attraction designed to offer fun and adrenaline to those seeking an unforgettable aquatic experience. These devices combine the thrill of sliding with the freshness of water, creating a unique experience for people of all ages. Dive into the fun and feel the adrenaline as you slide on the hydro-pedals with a slide, an aquatic experience that will leave you with lasting memories and smiles from ear to ear. Come and enjoy the excitement of the water!


4-person hydro-pedal
Life jacket


Hydro-pedals can be picked up and returned from 09:00h to 19:00h.


1 Hour: €20
2 Hours: €40
3 Hours: €50

No oblidis:

Hat or cap

Duració aproximada:

The minimum rental is 1 hour.

Additional Information:

Adapted W.C.
Changing rooms
Beach bar/restaurant: Delight in our homemade cuisine with local products.
Direct access to the sea.


La Cabanya Nautical Center
Crta.Poble Nou km 2
43540 La Ràpita
Tel. 977740292