The jewels of the bay on a kayak

Sail calmly to the infinite mussel-beds, one of the most valuable treasures of the bay
Kayaking allows you to enjoy a wonderful time in an exceptional environment such as Badia dels Alfacs, at your own pace. But if you want to discover the hidden treasures and jewels of this unique landscape in the world, the best thing is to go hand in hand with one of our guides who will help you to see up close, with the kayak, the jewels of Badia dels Alfacs and explore its hidden secrets.


Basic introduction of kayak
Individual or double/triple kayak
Life vest
Experienced guide


At 10:30h, we recommend to arrive there 15 minutes earlier


Adults 25€
Kids from 4 to 12 18€
Kids under 4 for free

No oblidis:

Sportive clothes depending on the season
Summer and spring: swimsuit, t-shirt, hat, sun cream and insect repellent and water
Autumn and winter: neoprene and water.

Duració aproximada:

approximately 1 hour and 45 minutes

Additional Information:

In our installations you can find a picnic area surrounded by pine trees and shade. We also have WC.
Coordinates: 40.6233535,0.6198598


Natura & Aventura
Plaça del Cóc, 18
Campo base: Ctra. Villafranco, km 1.5
977 742 987 / 646 598 324
43540 la Ràpita
(Tarragona) Delta del Ebro